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Tête à Tête







What effects do science and art have on our bodies? How can sciart as a concept assist us in imagining alternative realities and new futures? Join multidisciplinary artist Rory Scott, art historian and interdisciplinary artist Kevin Whiteneir, and curator and art historian Kat Buckley for a walk-through of Tête à Tête followed by a question-and-answer period in the contemplative section of the exhibition space.


12:00pm-1:30pm *

Join artist Rory Scott as she explores ways of looking at light, time and discovering patterns that emerge through repetition. This workshop will explore ways in which we can all be animators through simple materials and means. Scott will demonstrate both digital and analogue methods in how to create emotive art.






SHAPES OF EMERGENCE: a live performance with physics experiments


Baudouin Saintyves’s "Shapes of Emergence” brings the poetry behind shapes and patterns in nature outside the lab. It is an immersive audiovisual performance where fluid dynamics, real physics experiments, technology and experimental electronic music are orchestrated in live projections that blur the distinction between creative intentions and the physical world.

With sound by Sam Scranton and Ben Zucker.





Open ended sciart play with materials from the main exhibition. For kids 4-10 and their caregivers.



Join us for an exploration of the gifts of mindfulness. All you need is an object of attention and guess what! That can be literally anything… your breath, your fingers, your whole body, a word, your cat, street sounds. This time we choose an object from the gallery and together we will shed light to the wisdom and clarity our own bodies hold in a safe space of authenticity and openness. There will be stillness. There will be dancing. There will be co-creation. EveryBody is welcome.




How can we pull threads of mathematics and physics together to think about art?  How threads and their invisible forces and energy, can create motion, shapes and forms? From invisible forces to visible perceptions this workshop offers a place to contemplate art and the infinite possibilities of science. Workshop by Maria Kokkori -Maria is associate scientist for scholarly initiatives at the Art Institute of Chicago and lecturer at the University of Chicago.




This workshop for museum educators will explore embodied ways of learning and somatic responses to sciart information. How do we do storytelling using our bodies in the galleries? What is sciart way of thinking? What tools do we use to engage visitors with non discursive ways? And what is drama in the galleries anyway? Workshop by Filippa Christofalou. Filippa is the founder of The Drama Science Lab and doctoral student in Art Education at Teachers College, Columbia NYC.

The workshops will take place within the galleries, at the Zhou B Art Center, 2nd floor. Address: Zhou B Art Center, 1029 W 35th St, Chicago.

All workshops are free.

Some workshops require registration.

For more information please contact us at


Tête à Tête: Embodying Dialogues 

An inclusive, learning experience.

Thought-provoking art. 

Art that flirts with science, ignites curiosity,

inspires and catalyzes. 

Intriguing art, art that makes sense. 

Imagine visiting your favorite art museum,

but better. 

Imagine making new friends, but easier. 

Learning, but wittier.


The Drama Science Lab presents for the second consecutive year the only sciart festival in Chicago. This year, the theme centers around the body and examines how somatic learning plays its part in experiencing sciart information.


Tête à Tête: Embodying Dialogues is our 2019 sciart annual with an exhibition as its main pillar and a robust array of educational corresponding in-gallery workshops.

Tête à Tête: Embodying Dialogues

12.12.19 - 1.4.20



Artworks by the Artists:


Ziv Ze’ev Cohen,

Kristin McWharter,

Michelle Murphy,

Cathy Quintero, and

Rory Scott


Quest Performance on Friday 12/20 at 8:00pm

by Baudouin Saintyves


Concept Ideation/Director: Filippa Christofalou

Curator: Kat Buckley

Art direction & design: Nikoleta Balothiari | Skafandro

Music Design: George Gorgogetas

Education & Interpretation: The Drama Science Lab

Production: The Drama Science Lab




Curatorial note

Interdisciplinary art has a singular ability to connect with a plethora of potential audiences by engaging them through topics beyond the traditional fine arts. The artists I work with practice interdisciplinary art primarily focused in the sciences. I believe that conceptual art is most successful when it has research behind it and allows the viewer to engage with the work through a definitive, bodily interaction. To that end, this year's exhibition will focus on gesture as a pivotal concept. Unlike the traditional art historical connotation of the term—i.e., a gesture figure drawing involving a model—this year's exhibition will focus on the gestures initiated by the viewer in response to art. It is a new take on interactivity and art, one which focuses on the viewer's bodily participation as integral to successful internalization of artistic concepts. I assert that experience is a crucial conduit to critical thought. Being part of the Drama Science Lab teams clearly aligns with my curatorial vision and goals. I am thrilled to participate in an organization of like-minded individuals who see the potential of art to bridge the gaps in disciplines and to connect people.

note from the Founder

Tête à Tête: Embodying Dialogues. I couldn’t be more excited about our 2019 sciart project. Tête à Tête encompasses what The Drama Science Lab stands for: an exploration, an open invitation for a body-mind dialogue on the blurred boundaries between art and science.

Tête à Tête is an exhibition about art that flirts with science, ignites curiosity, inspires and evokes emotions.

With Tête à Tête we celebrate the landscape of sciart with the objective to nurture a dialogue on the triptych art-science-learning. We believe in sciart storytelling through drama (embodied, somatic learning) and this project is one more ecosystem of wonder. Furthermore, we offer a robust series of inclusive programming, based on the exhibited work, that acts as a compass for interpretation, exploration, and learning; always emphasizing the role of the body in the process of learning.

Join our journey and get involved!



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